Does this ever happen to you? One minute, things are totally fine and suddenly, you get triggered and start thinking irrationally, worrying about things that may never happen, your brain is imagining every worst-case scenario there is, and you forget what it was that started you going down the rabbit hole in the first place. The phrase that triggers me the most is 'What if?' because of its uncertainty and unpredictability; there are sooooo many possibilities that can complete that sentence. I can't control or plan for something I don't know the possible outcomes of, so I imagine them, think about what I may say or do in response to what someone else may say or do. I rarely share this side of myself because... What if no one reads this? What if they DO read it? What if they find a typo? What if they don't like my stuff? What if they DO like my stuff? š¤Æš„“š« š®āšØ

Sometimes, my irrational thoughts keep me up at night and I have a hard time clearing my head. That's one of the reasons why I read so much, have movie marathons, listen to audiobooks, etc. It helps me to stop worrying and thinking, and occupies my mind with something else so I don't get stuck in my own head. But I also came to realize that those thoughts also need an outlet. I needed to find a way to express them. Writing has been one of the best ways for me to get my thoughts out of my head. Once they're out, my head feels clearer and I can look at things more objectively. Sometimes, those thoughts become stories. Sometimes, I just let them go, scrunch up the paper and throw it in the bin, or press delete. No one needs to read them but writing them down provides a sense of relief.
If you need an outlet for your anxious thoughts, you can download the simple worksheets I've made.
I hope these resources are helpful for you and your kiddos!